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Marketing fundamentals: Your Comprehensive Guide to Entering the Marketing World 2021

 Marketing fundamentals: Your Comprehensive Guide to Entering the Marketing World 2021

Marketing fundamentals: Your Comprehensive Guide to Entering the Marketing World
Marketing fundamentals: Your Comprehensive Guide to Entering the Marketing World

I'm guessing you're here now because you've heard about marketing at least once before, and you may as well have wondered what it really is. And is it really what you think you know, or is it something else different?

No matter where you stand now in this field, whether you're an entrepreneur, or you actually work as a marketer, or even want to take an idea of it without having to drown in dozens of specialized books. We created this guide for you, which includes the most basic marketing rules that you inevitably need to know.

The purpose of this evidence is to be the thread to your career success as a shopkeeper or as a domain kisser, or a creaky who wants to do things right for your brand and your team, or all the above together!

Marketing fundamentals include all parts of the game that ultimately produce a proper marketing plan, and to make the implementing company work, whatever its jurisdiction or size.

Some may misunderstand marketing or marketing; It's like walking around, throwing print advertising at shops or in transit. Others may also conjure it in the form of a disturbing call from an outsider who convinces him to buy a product that he never means, or limits his concept to video ads displayed on screens and signs without stopping.

In fact, these beliefs have some degree of truth. All these models and others are already images of marketing. But that doesn't necessarily mean that it's successful or correct marketing. It's not fair, for example, to blame the car manufacturer for the lack of skills of the driver who broke into the wall with the car.

The driver may not have learned to drive properly, and has not followed the correct instructions to run and drive the car he destroyed.

Many marketers or entrepreneurs do not spend enough time understanding the fundamentals and axes of marketing, and how they apply to their projects, this haste is likely to lead to an unpleasant failure or loss.

What's marketing?

Get you back only 100 years, somewhere at Kellogg Management University; One teacher stood by explaining to his students the basics of what the world would later know about marketing science, and they branched out over 100 departments and branches.

This brilliant professor is called Mr. Philip Cottle. The first cornerstone of marketing was laid in the first decade of the 20th century.

Marketing - Marketing; This process involves all strategies of brands, companies or individuals to promote their services, products or ideas to their target market audience. Experts also call marketing the job of satisfying the customer in exchange for a physical return.

Marketing fundamentals are the pillars of marketing science, with marketers and entrepreneurs creating a successful marketing strategy.

Everything from looking at the target market, writing an ad or distributed publications, even the color of a delivery worker's shirt falls under the concept of marketing, and the strategy that the company pursued to make these ads to ensure their success was based on the fundamentals of marketing.

If you meditate, you will find that you yourself make purchasing decisions that are originally the result or reaction of you - consciously or unconsciously - to a company's marketing plan, and you fall into the target audience of this company's marketing plan.

For example; You're probably buying a computer or a cellphone, or even some kind of coffee, because you've had some kind of marketing effect (visual advertising, recommendation from a friend, repeat advertising, product presentation,...).

At some point (browsing websites or the Web, signs on both sides of the road, attending an event,...) He's the one who got you to decide to buy this product alone.

In other words, if you want to buy a new phone, you start looking and asking and comparing the best brand phone manufacturer.

You end up buying that phone that you happen to see an influential or famous person praising or recommending, or that a trusted relative or friend advised you, or simply because you see it - in shops or advertising - frequently or creatively.

In short, marketing is driving the consumer to make a profit on the company. This concept extends to all steps taken by an enterprise to place itself in the consumer market, thereby encouraging customers to buy or order, to satisfy the desire or need of what they have for this product/service/idea.

Why does it matter to understand the fundamentals of marketing anyway?

Each institution, whatever its competence or size, whether from one individual or thousands of employees, is based on profit, which means that there is often no profit.

This profit depends on promoting the product/service/idea to as many potential customers as possible - that is, those who may now or in the future wish to obtain such goods or service), or encouraging those who have previously made purchases to order more.

This task - which seems complicated, but not so - begins with enterprises applying the fundamentals of effective marketing to properly market their products to the right audience.

Starting by informing the public (current or potential) and raising their awareness of the existence of these products/services in the first place, and why they may need them only. After a number of successful transactions, the company should maintain a successful relationship with its customers based on loyalty and trust.

If the previous one is done correctly, marketing may take the whale's luck from the success of any company either in increasing its sales, building a close relationship with customers, and finally creating a high competitive advantage - competitive advantage for the company in the market.

Corporate owners know very well that today consumers have plenty of room to choose the right products for them, and perhaps switch between them very quickly. There are unlimited opportunities and endless alternatives to each brand no matter how successful or influential it may be.

In other words, if they don't find out what they want, make sure they don't take more than three minutes to decide to deal with another institution.

Therefore, the fundamentals of marketing are concerned with employing different promotional and communication tools to convince customers that a brand, inclusive of the products, services and messages they adopt, is exactly what they need, so that a company becomes the first and best choice for its customers at a time.

Although the company primarily markets for itself, all of its strategies - starting from the company's pilot model and even the color of the line in its website - are its first and final function: Satisfying the client's current and future needs and desires.

So, the marketing strategy will influence and decide everything the company does that includes sales, designs, the way the client addresses, and even packaging.

Effective communication and cooperation between the company's departments and members of the Panel are therefore inevitable; Because everyone has a role to play in brand advertising.

Now you understand in a simplistic way what marketing is and how important it is, so let's move on to explaining the fundamentals of marketing and the pillars on which companies build their promotional campaigns.

The Seven Essential Elements of Marketing

In the late 19th century, marketing experts and pioneers developed what is now known as the "Marketing Mix."

This mix includes all the marketing fundamentals that enable companies - big and small - to achieve their marketing goals within the market in which they compete.

In its first appearance, this bouquet included four marketing fundamentals, but today's experts decided to add three more to the group, becoming 7 core elements.

These basic elements are all that companies need to implement and follow in order to be able to come up with a marketing strategy that persuades their customers and satisfies their requirements.

Now here's a detailed explanation of each of these elements:

1) Product

The first element is product, which refers to the product it sells or the service it provides, and whatever is available to the customer for purchase, including all the features and benefits that the buyer would enjoy if it acquired the products and services it markets for in its campaign.

When companies are interested in marketing their products, they focus on what the customer wishes to obtain, including - rather than limited to - quality, style, colors, warranty, ease of use, customer service, accessories and availability of after-sale services (such as maintenance).

No matter what you sell, it's a soda, sneakers, a tech service - software or a consultation. It is important that a company be able to distinguish and define its services clearly; So you can make the right promise to customers, and then win their attention and confidence.

If you're a marketer or entrepreneur, you can use these questions to determine the nature and characteristics of your products or services:

1. What are the big problems or challenges we can help our clients overcome?

This question gives the company a clearer idea of what to offer its customers through its own product or service.

2. What are our alternative brands?

The importance of this question lies in helping it to uncover the nature of competition, thereby identifying its own weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and challenges in the market; So you can attract clients to handle it alone.

3. Why only the agents choose us?

Here, the brand can identify the competitive features and characteristics unique to competitors, which are known as the "unique point of sale - Unique Selling Point-USP."

Answering this question requires a deep search of competitors first, and then a conclusion of what can be added to the product or deleted to increase its effectiveness and improve customer experience.

4. How can we improve our products/services?

Is it by adding a new feature? Reduce the number of steps required to buy on our website? Update some features on our cell app? Hiring more suppliers?

Other questions will enable the company to identify potential opportunities for developing their services and their clients' current and future experiences.

5. What don't we like about our competitors?

Here, try putting your company's name where the company's biggest rival is, and imagine how you could have been better. This step will have a significant impact in determining whether or not you should even release that product.

2) Price

This element of marketing fundamentals relates to the pricing or valuation strategy of a company's products/services, and how it will affect its customers.

Before determining the price of the product, marketers determine what the customer wishes or prepares to pay in return, what the company needs to meet the overhead, profit margin, payment methods and many other expenses.

It also seeks to attract new clients and maintain their competitive advantage; They should be prepared to offer continuing discounts and offers.

Although visually easy to understand, it is practically difficult to reach the right price.

At the right price, we mean not only that price that brings the highest percentage of sales, but also the highest amount of profit.

And on this side... The most important question is not "How much?" How's the client gonna find that price?

For example; Ferrari wants to be a high-quality but expensive manufacturer of luxury wheelchairs, and its target is therefore a high-income car class that is willing and able to pay its money for having cars in Ferrari's quality and luxury.

On the other hand, Ferrari would not be Ferrari and its clients would not appreciate it as much if it were $5,000.

And you see... The company can only decide anything by a thorough examination of the market, the nature of the customers and the competition it is dealing with.

If you are marketed or pioneered, try to answer the following questions that will help you choose the best price for your brand product or service:

What's the lowest price you can offer your service/product for?

What's the highest price your clients can pay for getting your service/product?

How much does the price make to your clients when they decide to buy?

What are the traded prices for which the leading market companies sell?

How do you compare the price you offer to the market price?

3) Place

The location or location is where the company's services or products can be seen, sold and distributed. The ability of a customer to easily find and access a company's services/products is a key element of marketing fundamentals, and a major reason for the success of the entire marketing process.

There's no point in a brand spending too much money on a marketing campaign, and the customer can't end up getting the product!

The brand can exploit the way it displays its products electronically or in shops to draw the attention of current or potential customers; This is through the use of innovative designs to display and deliver products both on shelves and in their own shops.

Even if it's not a retail project - Retailer (services or products sold online), the place is still an important part of the marketing process, because you don't want the client to deal with a long mess of steps and failures so he can reach you!

The purpose of this focus is briefly to find and find its clients.

Are you wondering how you know the right location for your clients?

Well... Think where they can be, and be there... That's it!

Marketers choose where to offer their products by answering the following questions:

Where are our clients in general?

What outlets (electronic or otherwise) sell our products?

What distribution channels are we dealing with now?

Do we sell directly to the client, or is there a broker for sale?

Are we targeting consumers or companies?

Where are the competitors?

4) Promotion

It means all promotional activities that inform customers and users about the existence of the brand and its services/products, and include advertising, advertising, direct marketing and sales plans.

In general, the goal of marketing is to highlight the brand and its value and services. Successful marketing continues to attract the interest of customers and users of the company's services and products.

The basis for the success of this marketing is: special product, ingenious packaging, competitive price.

The ultimate challenge of any new brand in the market is to get customers, as the newer the brand is in the market, the harder it is to attract and keep it on a new customer base.

Therefore, it is essential for marketing operations to focus light on the characteristics and characteristics of a product or service as opposed to competitors, in order to achieve the best profit and utility.

Product and service promotion are the most popular marketing images, such as:

1. Promotion and Publicity:

Brands use direct advertising by promoting themselves in newspapers, broadcasters, video ads, magazines, signs and on the Internet.

2. Personal selling or telephone marketing:

The personal sale process depends on the personal skills of the seller or marketer as well as communication and persuasion skills. These skills are employed to communicate with the client buyer to convince him of the advantages and benefits of the product or service, both face-to-face and voice over the phone.

3. Publication and Publicity:

Some brands use their marketing strategy to publish and display their advertisements in print or video media, to conduct personal interviews, or to hire media influencers in the target market to filter company products and services.

4. Short-term promotional sales offers:

Companies promote themselves through competitions, discount vouchers or periodic offers.

5. Direct Marketing:

This type of promotion involves sending letters, e-mails, pamphlets and leaflets to potential clients, and these activities are usually followed up by personal or telephone marketing.

6. Online Marketing:

Electronic marketing is often cost-effective and high sales. Most, if not all, modern brands use it to market their products and services and communicate with and influence their customers.

One or more methods can be used together to target customers, and it is the right combination that will help a company meet its customers' needs and satisfaction, and increase sales and profits.

We will come later in this article to mention more kinds of marketing.

Marketers or businesspeople use the following questions to open doors to determine how best to promote their brand without cost or waste:

What channels does our audience use most of the time?

What's the most effective and influential message when we promote our products?

What's the best time or time to promote our products?

How do our competitors promote their services and products?

The previous four axes are the most famous fundamentals of marketing, and, as we said, the experts added three more, and we will explain them successively as well:

5) People Individuals

Employees and employees of the company include sales staff and even managers.

Individuals play the greatest role in the success of any marketing effort or interaction with clients; From their reception to after - sale services. When providing an exceptional customer support service and paying attention to the reactions and opinions of its clients, the Foundation provides a positive experience for clients, which implies a highly influential and implicit marketing.

Companies now know that happy customers usually promote the company better than any other promotional activity, so if the company has consolidated its relationship with its existing customers and acquired new customers at the same time!

Because each company is based primarily on its own personnel, each business leader must take strong care of recruiting the right people, providing training that constantly develops their skills and motivating efficient staff to survive.

6) Process

This element refers to the steps and processes by which the product or service is delivered to the last client, and is intended to be easily sold.

This axis of marketing fundamentals is of great marketing importance; By providing services or products of the same quality and effectiveness each time demand and purchase are made, as well as saving as much time, money and effort on the client as possible.

All of this will eventually increase consumer confidence in the brand, increase their chances for continuity and recommend them to their knowledge circles.

7) Physical Evidence

It means whatever customers see when dealing with the brand, and includes the internal design of the company or enterprise, the location and environment of the product or service, the packaging model, and the design of the entire visual identity, encompassing the clothing and handling of the staff.

At the end of this segment, let me leave you with links to an important collection of marketing articles published in the winners:

How to Build a Successful Brand 2021

Most important marketing books that experts are unanimous in reading

Local SEO: Your comprehensive practical guide in 2021

Now let's move on to the next part of our guide today on the fundamentals of marketing:

Eight Basic Rules for Marketing

Prominent author Philip Cotler describes the creator of marketing science; Modern marketing is the process by which individuals and enterprises obtain their needs in exchange for creating or sharing products and values with others.

With a careful and detailed analysis of the term, several basic rules and concepts of marketing surface. These foundations enable marketers and readers to understand and test the client and target market, explain how they respond, behave in different situations and be predictable in the future.

These rules, in order, are:

Needs - Needs.

Wants - Wants.

Demands demands.

Products, services and expertise provided. Products and Services.

Value, Cost and Satisfaction.

Exchange, Deal and Waiver.

Relationships and Knowledge Network.

Market, Marketing, Marketing, Client - Market, Marketing, Marketer, and Projects.

Here is a detailed explanation of each of these eight rules:

First Needs - Needs

Knowledge of unfulfilled needs is a prerequisite for any decision or marketing activity; Because it's a basic marketing goal to meet consumer needs.

In essence, human needs are a state of disempowerment and denial of certain fundamentals; Which, in turn, leads to dissatisfaction, lack of satisfaction and perhaps disorder.

Needs are physical in nature; People need food, shelter, clothing, safety, belonging and acceptance. And it's not acquired or made up, it's inherent in human beings.

Failure to meet these needs creates psychological tension that can only be vented by the consumption or use of the products it meets.

For example, although everyone needed food; However, the manner in which they are treated or consumed varies from person to person depending on their individual desires and their respective cultural and social characteristics.

That is, staying long without food would make you feel dizzy and stressed, and then looking for a source to meet that need, like going to the cooler or ordering food or cooking... Here's the choice that your Hunger Lion will make is what's known as desire.

Wishes - Wants

So desires are the choices that an individual prefers to satisfy a particular need, or a particular satisfaction to satisfy an existing need, which means that your free choice of cheese without bread to fill your hunger is what's called desire.

Although needs are limited, desires are endless, and every need has countless desires and options. Hence, a marketer can influence and create desires not on needs, but on needs!

Many companies today focus on creating an urgent need or desire within a client that did not exist before.

Social media posts, such as P, have previously shared visits and interviews to meet their need for socialization and acceptance.

It has become a major focus on the importance of having these accounts to strengthen social ties and enable them to become famous and to learn about others without borders, and has already succeeded, becoming one of the most important ways of human communication in modern times.

Demands - Demands

Demands are the desire for a particular product, and they are supported by the ability, the will and the willingness to buy it at a particular time.

Marketers seek to influence the demands of the target audience by making the product appear attractive and affordable.

Marketing Management is concerned with managing the quantities and timing of public demands; Therefore, marketing management is called demand management.

In general, human desires are unlimited, but resources are limited, so they choose baggage and services based on their physical ability, and these desires become demands when the right ability and timing to purchase them are available.

In order to build on these theories on the ground, marketing companies are making enormous efforts to better understand the needs, desires and demands of their customers.

And that's through:

Conducting research and analysis of consumer personality and competitive markets, and questionnaire of potential customer groups.

Analysis of data from customer complaints, queries and opinions.

Training of sales staff to learn about unfulfilled customer needs as they arise.

Monitoring customers as they consume their products and even their competitors' products, then asking them exactly what they love and hate.

Proper understanding of customer needs, desires and demands gives sufficient information to help design highly effective marketing strategies.

IV Products, services and expertise provided

Products are referred to as consent packages, both psychological and organic. Products include a range of services (Contents or Basic Services).

Product-related characteristics, which are intangible features of the product such as color, visual identity, packaging and stickers, product-related services such as post-sale service, warranty, free shipping, free maintenance, etc.

This means that the product is a set of integrated services and features that eventually create the last product. The marketer must take care of all product-related services and belongings, rather than the product itself.

The concept of product itself includes material goods and intangible service, and the product is called the material object, such as pen, book, bread and television.

However, the importance and significance lay in the value depicted as a product; Because people are not only interested in owning products, but in the services they involve.

For example, we buy not a pen, but a writing facilitation service, and we buy not just a car, but a transportation and delivery service. Having the product alone is not the goal in itself. The product must serve our needs and desires.

According to this definition, anything that can satisfy a need or desire is a product, so that the product is in any way a physical object, person, idea, activity or enterprise that can provide any kind of service that meets certain needs or desires.

User Experience: This whole process is called from doctrinal and commercial logo color, to a post-sale service and an opinion questionnaire called User Experience.

It is the sum of the overall cognitive, sensory, emotional and behavioural interactions throughout the consumption process, from pre-purchase to post-purchase steps.

Value/benefit, cost and satisfaction

Value/Service means: The product's ability to satisfy customers' needs and desires.

It can be seen as a model and an indicative basis for product selection, as each product possesses varying degrees of utility or value; Some products can be very important, some are at the lower part of the pyramid.

The client is always looking for, and may even settle on, the most productive product that can satisfy his wishes.

Why, for example, would a socialite who likes to communicate and stay up to date today want to buy a smartphone that can't run music or video or use different apps?

He's probably not gonna buy a device that doesn't meet his need. He's simply gonna buy, for half the amount, a multi-feature smartphone that enables him to do everything he wants, and that's what's called value/utility, which gives the product its power and value advantage over the rest of the product.

Cost - Cost: Cost is the economic value of the product; fees paid by the client to benefit from a particular service or group of services.

The customer values the value and utility of the product compared to the fees he has to pay. Its choice is mostly on the product to which the highest value-value-value is provided with a specific fee that it can pay. He's trying to get the most for what he spends.

If a laptop is to be purchased, it will buy that affordable modern model from a reliable brand with good customer service, as opposed to a computer with limited functions from a company that sells at higher prices and without customer service or after-sale follow-up.

Satisfaction/Response: Satisfaction simply means meeting needs. This satisfaction is achieved when the buyer finds that the value of the product and the benefit to it is greater than the fee for it. This satisfaction is freed from the concern that is formed by the existence of unfulfilled needs.

The greater the benefit/value for less, the greater the satisfaction.

Exchange, deal and waiver

Exchange - Exchange: It's the heart of marketing, and all marketing endeavors are aimed at reaching this step.

Human beings can absolutely meet their needs and desires in four ways: self-production, theft/coercion, begging, swap/barter.

The value of marketing is shown only when people want to meet their needs through a trade-off, that is, a trade-off is to obtain a desired product from a person or entity in exchange for something in return.

Like if you want to have a phone you like, you have to have as much as you can buy. whether it is a money, a money voucher, a loan or something.

This trade-off can only take place with five conditions:

There should be at least two parties to this transaction.

Both sides have something of value to each other.

Both parties are able to communicate and connect.

Both are free to accept or refuse a swap offer.

The parties consider that the other party is desirable and reliable to complete the transaction.

But watch out!

Trade is not the same as trade.

Trade Process: The swap is practical, not an event in itself, because it means that there are parties negotiating and moving forward with the agreement, but if the agreement is signed, here it's called a "trade operation." access to the resolution and commitment to its implementation.

Financial transactions have several types, the most famous of which are: internal or external, monetary or non-monetary, commercial or non-commercial, civil, functional, charitable or religious.

The commercial transaction or transaction includes the following conditions:

There are at any rate two components of significant worth. 

Agree on the terms and conditions in full.

A cutoff time for the finishing of the arrangement.

A specific place to carry out the deal.

the existence of a legal contract; To avoid suspicion.

Hawala/Waiver - Transit: The concept of hawala includes both: Buy something without any effort, or offer something for nothing.

When you gave a friend a new wristwatch, this was a transfer or a transfer on one side, and also when you received a gift, it was a concession or a transfer on your side.

But, as you know, you rarely find the notion of purely and purely waiver applicable on the ground, where you can hardly find those who give up something without unexplained or implicit expectations.

Don't misunderstand me. Some of them, of course, are good and acceptable expectations.

In the end, all transfers or transfers are essentially the same as transactions and transactions, both of which are equally important to marketers.

Relations and Knowledge Circuits

Because all marketing is people-centered, today's marketing practices give the utmost attention and focus to building relationships and knowledge.

This type of relationship-based marketing is known as "relationship marketing or cross-relationship marketing."

Marketing through relationships is based on building long-term profitable or satisfactory relationships between key parties; clients, suppliers, distributors and others; For the purpose of maintaining long-term commercial preference for profit.

It is the smart marketer that is not necessarily concerned with short-term transit transactions with customers, but rather with establishing a relationship of trust, benefit and loyalty with its important clients, suppliers and distributors; This is through the fulfilment of the promises it makes in its marketing policy, such as the high quality of the product or the speed of shipment or sale at reasonable rates.

that cross-relationship marketing requires considerable reliability, commitment, cooperation and understanding; It results in a great long-term consolidation of economic, technical, social and even cultural ties between all parties.

Little by little, the goal of marketing is shifting from simply increasing the profits and sales of each business transaction, to creating long-term profitable relationships with customers and other parties.

That is, the hypothesis is: Strong relationships first, and profits will come later.

Knowledge Networks - Network: And that's the ultimate golden score that any successful driver and pilot aspires to.

Marketing through knowledge services involves the brand company and all stakeholders, such as clients, employees, distributors, advertising agencies, platforms and various institutions; Those who have a crucial role to play in the success of the entire project.

This is because a good relationship between the company and other parties will certainly lead to the development and payment of marketing performance over time.

Market, Marketing, Marketing and Client - Market, Marketing, Marketer, and Project

In marketing science, words such as market, marketing, marketer and potential customers are often used.

Market - Market: It involves all potential customers who share a particular desire or need, and who wish to be involved in a trade-off to meet that need or desire.

In practical terms, the word market can call anything that has value whether it's goods, service, idea, message or even person.

For example, the sports car market often includes young people over the age of 18 and even just over 40, who are interested in excitement, adventure, exciting experiences and perhaps social appearance.

Because most of these cars are expensive, this audience is often of a high social class, with a close degree of income, lifestyle and type of interest.

Marketing-Marketing: It is the administrative and social process in which individuals or groups acquire what they want and need through the creation and exchange of products and benefits with others.

Marketer: It's the individual who seeks to attract potential customers to participate in a meaningful exchange process by applying different marketing strategies. Accordingly, the seller may also be marketed.

Client - Project: He's the one that the marketer knows as the willing and capable person to participate in the exchange. In the case of a trade-off between companies, one party is the customer and the other is the marketer.

All these designations are defined by the basic rules of marketing, that is, they are the bases on which all activities and decisions are based on this aspect.

According to the above, the role of the marketer is as follows:

Comprehensive search for the target market and the nature of competition.

Identification of target clients, which includes:

The demographic features of the client include sex, age, location, race and income (if available).

His lifestyle.

The nature of his personality or what's known as personal traits.

Identity and personal or professional objectives - depending on the nature of the product.

The most accessible channels he uses.

To plan and design a new presentation that is suitable for the target client according to the marketable understanding of the market and its challenges.

Pay the product or service to the market, and deliver it to customers at best.

Obtain customer feedback on the product, and encourage them to share their experiences.

Analysis of reactions and development of new plans avoid previous marketing errors.

Now let's move on to the third part of our guide today on the fundamentals of marketing, which will be about the five axes of the marketing framework:

Marketing Decision does not come because the shopper or the owner of the company came up with an idea and decided to try it. Maybe in other areas, but certainly not in the right marketing!

Experts placed five axes that would facilitate marketers to make the right decisions to bear fruit, calling them "the five axes of the marketing framework - The 5C's Marketing Framework," namely:

Company - Company.

Costumers clients.

Rivals - Competitors.


Climate- Climate.

These steps are similar to any project's medical examination; They illustrate what works efficiently, what needs to be maintained and intervened, and are essential marketing fundamentals for making the right marketing decision.

Your brand must not be huge, as these hubs are designed to be simple and effective for all; It is therefore the best option for start-ups or medium-sized companies.

It's always recommended to test these five axes at least once a year. It's short and brief, yes, but it makes the company aware of its itinerary, its destination and its commitment to its basic vision.

The objective of this analysis is to identify the environment and the framework within which the company moves. It can also give a holistic view of the most important ways of success and growth, as well as the threats.

Here's an explanation of each of these five axes:

1) Company - Company

Why is she first? Because companies need to check what they are above all.

Maybe the owners found that she's not offering anything meaningful at all right now, and they need to renew their vision!

When a marketer analyzes the company according to these axes, it is able to identify the sustainable competitive advantage of this brand.

This advantage may lie in the evolution of the Technologic Company, a powerful customer service, free shipping and so on, which leads the customer to prefer it each time.

In order for companies to gain access to this competitive advantage and to analyze their activity clearly, marketers usually ask these questions:

What's the company selling?

Are our products different from those of our competitors?

What competitive advantage does our company have?

What do we do better than anyone else?

What are we doing worse than anyone else?

How do agents see us?

If we suddenly get huge material funding, which side do we invest in our company to develop?

If we have to cut our 20 percent budget, what can we give up?

What are our goals for the company for its first, third and fifth year?

Yes, these questions are similar to those found in the SWOT analysis, which means identifying the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges.

And certainly it's also an excellent and very important analysis, but not as important as the five axes of marketing, because the latter specializes only in the marketing aspect.

It is important for any marker or owner of a brand of any size, competence or age in the market to be direct and honest in this process, especially with regard to weaknesses and how they are overtaken by competitors.

2) Clients - Customers

And is there more important than that for any company?

By getting a deeper look at the nature of the customers, what they want, and how they can meet their needs, it's easier to prioritize the brand and its decisions and develop the products that customers will want to buy, and continue to do.

Here lies the importance of customer analysis - Customer Analytica, where it enables a company to deliver the best possible product, which it didn't even know it had to offer.

This is all about looking first for what the client likes and hates about their products, and there's only there that they can get a direct view of what matters most and focus on.

Studying customers is not only critical to making correct marketing decisions, it's one of the fundamentals of marketing that determines the right image and language that they understand and love and, of course, interact with.

Corporate-targeted customers can be divided into three types:

Total Available Market (TAM) is the most extensive and public market, comprising the segment of customers requesting a particular service or product.

The Service Available Market (SAM) is a subset of the total available market - TAM, defined by the main use of the company's product.

The Service Online Market (SOM) is the most accurate client rating and includes the market the company seeks to access.

Target segments can be divided by identifying demographic, psychological, geographical and other distinguishing factors.

If you are a brand owner, a marketer, or even a curiosity to know how to understand customers and their preferences in a market and area, the following questions may help you:

What's the perfect client for the product we offer?

Who's our target audience?

Who buys our products?

What products/services require more/less?

Which of our services or products has excellent/bad/none at all?

How do our clients find our products?

Are our clients growing or missing?

What promotional campaigns we've done before have been more successful and influential in sales?

Are there seasonal or common trends in purchases?

Do our clients do a careful search before buying or buy directly without hesitation?

What's driving our clients to buy? Like: Price, quality, accessibility, etc.

Where are our clients going to get more information about our products?

What are our channels of communication with clients?

What are our clients' most famous complaints?

What's the best feature our clients can praise?

The purpose of these questions is to understand clients and their behavior and motivation.

If you're having trouble answering some questions in this department, it's okay, the hardest task in marketing is to understand customers properly.

But if the marketer can break this rock, the company immediately gets a competitive advantage that it's hard for its competitors to overcome.

Companies have to use every possible route and source to get answers to these questions, even if they go to meet one customer in person.

3) Competitors

"If you know yourself and your enemy well, you won't fear the outcome of a hundred battles," says Sun Tzu, the author of the famous Art of War.

They are just as important as understanding the brand for themselves. It is essential for marketing to understand what competition is and how difficult it is, which then makes it possible to decide the right strategy.

So if you're a brand owner, you probably already know that you're not alone in the market, and that even maybe your company isn't quite unique among its competitors.

Even if you have a clear idea inside your head of your main rivals, you should open your mind to add more of them, you might find something you didn't know!

A competing company - Competitor is a company that offers the same product in the same market as the startup, the easiest measurement method to identify the most important competitors is by tracking their share of the target market.

As for the method, these questions are usually asked by developers and marketers so that they can identify and understand the nature of competition and competitors:

Who are the direct competitors of our company?

Which of the competitors is the oldest and which is the newest?

What do our competitors offer that our company doesn't?

What are our competitors' outstanding strengths?

What are our competitors' most prominent weaknesses?

What are our competitors doing to win clients?

Can our competitors do something we can't do?

Is there anything we can do our competitors can't do?

Who are the agents our competitors are targeting?

What marketing methods do competitors use? And what's the most effective?

There's a rule that says: You won't be able to compete effectively if you don't know exactly who your real competitors are.

Surely it's smart to focus on companies of similar size, but bigger or older companies should not be neglected.

The competition is perhaps most frustrating for marketers and pioneers of start-ups and small brands, although at first sight it may seem the opposite, but in many cases these small entities have greater advantages than their larger competitors.

For example, small companies are not run by committees, stakeholders or partners, such as large companies, which can disrupt many marketing opportunities, while smaller companies can run promotional campaigns and make more flexible marketing decisions, and may be more effective than their major competitors.

Instead of wasting time comparing or trying to mimic larger competitors, it might be better to focus and look at weaknesses, and other opportunities that can be pursued.

The secret to outperforming larger competitors is to focus on the small opportunities and victories that they can afford, enabling them to grow over time.

4) Collaborators

After the shopper or the entrepreneur looks at his company, then at his clients, then at his competitors, now comes the turn on the road buddies!

Partners or associates are the persons or service providers with which the company works to produce anything, i.e. they are the team members and success partners of any company.

This section includes all those who work directly with the brand to support or support the development and implementation of marketing strategies, such as design agencies, consultants, shipping companies, distribution delegates, vendors, distributors, suppliers and others.

It is necessary for each owner of a company or market to know the associates of its company; Not only to decide how it can grow and evolve, but also any marketing decision that might somehow affect their companies or your relationship with them.

The definition of associates is a key element of marketing that will enable the marketer to know better and the shortest ways to make communication with the client more accessible and effective; Because he's going to be aware and informed of who should do what, how and when, so he can make decisions and implement marketing strategies that are honest, accurate and not misleading.

5) Climate - Climate

They also call it Context or Circumstances, which aims to clarify the nature of the environment in which the company is located, and the orbit in which it is orbiting.

In order to attract new customers while maintaining the current, a marketer must conduct an assessment of the overall climate surrounding the company.

The climate here is meant by the extraneous factors that can influence the way they operate and implement their strategies.

Experts have developed what is known as the PESTEL analysis; To analyze and measure this climate or context, which provides full coverage of all aspects and factors that can affect companies and their presence:

Political Influences

Economic Effects

Social - Social Influences

Technical effects

Legal effects

Environmental effects

There are also changes that may not affect the company alone but the entire industry or market, which is not an opportunity for the company to benefit greatly.

The earliest example of these factors is the new Corona COVID- 19 virus, which has forced almost all companies to change even one thing in the way they manage and produce, such as the workplace, the package of products, services, imports, exports, etc. Some companies have also closed their doors completely.

It is therefore the role of the marketer to watch out for these changes, even to predict any new developments in the arena and to prepare for dealing with it in the interest of the brand.

Now come on, buddy, let's move on to the next part of our article... Yeah, I know the article is long, but I trust it's worth your time.

Types of Marketing

After nearly 100 years of marketing science, is marketing still the same? The same techniques and the same methods?

In fact, although this sentence has some validity, it dramatically reduces the complexity of marketing science and art.

The world itself has become more complex, and marketing has had to twist somewhat to suit new developments and changes in modern man.

Marketing in the recent period has expanded and expanded to include countless branches and disciplines, some not even knowing that they exist in the first place.

And that doesn't mean you have to hang an ocean of complex definitions and concepts trying to understand any of them... Stay put on land!

Here's the most popular type of marketing she should know:

1. Traditional Marketing

This term refers to the promotion of the brand across any marketing channel that existed before the invention of the Web.

Because information was not available or accessible at the time, most marketing companies' efforts were based on direct marketing tools such as print and video advertising and billboards.

2. Direct Marketing - Outbound Marketing

Remember that annoying call you received from a stranger who was trying to convince you to buy a product you didn't want at all or messages that reach your phone nonstop from a company you don't know?

Even though it's a little annoying, it's actually kind of a famous kind of marketing. Direct marketing or spam marketing is marketing based on direct intrusive promotion, such as print advertising, television advertising, telephone marketing, and correspondence marketing.

This kind of marketing is called Outbound because its brand pays its message to all consumers in the market, regardless of whether they need it or not.

3. Indirect Marketing

On the other hand, the foundations of indirect marketing focus on attracting customers rather than interrupting or breaking into their focus.

Indirect marketing methods are effective means of digital marketing; Customers are free to search and browse, and as they move forward, they become part of the buyer's experience and journey - Buyer's Journal.

Indirect marketing focuses on creating a valuable experience that has both a positive impact on customers and a brand by attracting them with useful and meaningful content to their website or promotional platforms.

The client responds to the company's promises to provide more valuable information, and allows communication through talk tools such as email and chat.

In the end, the company provides the potential client with more advice and feedback, thereby creating the trust that will put the company at the top of its options if he or a member of the community of acquaintances wants to get the service it offers.

4. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is against traditional marketing. uses techniques not previously found in the latter era; This is to reach the target audience in innovative ways.

This type includes all marketing efforts using electronic devices or the Internet. Companies and brands from all disciplines volunteer different digital channels to communicate with their current and potential customers.

These channels include:

Search Engineering Search Engine Configuration

Search Engineering Marketing

Marketing via social media platforms

Email Marketing

Content Marketing

Influencer Marketing

Commission Marketing

Pay-Per-Click PPC Ads

Video Marketing

Radio Marketing

Inclusive mobile marketing

5. Guerilla Marketing

The idea behind this kind of marketing is to use low-cost creative strategies and tricks with unconventional ideas that create noise and interaction among the target audience.

It increases people's knowledge of the brand and they often trade it between them, because it impresses them and uses the element of surprise and perhaps humor in marketing for themselves.

Gorilla markets have many images, such as signs or changes in open spaces intended for people such as parks, yards and markets, and also target indoor spaces such as train stations and buses.

6. Oral or word marketing

This type of marketing is considered to be the most reliable and serious, meaning that customers filter and propose a particular brand to their friends, acquaintances or followers.

In order to create a sufficient amount of this recommendation, companies need to focus strongly on providing the best possible service in addition to exceptional customer service experience.

Companies that seek this marketing are those that care for their customers and meet their needs before they do. And so the client turns from a complete stranger to a loyal supporter of the brand, filtering it to his or her close circle or followers.

7. Secret Marketing

You may have noticed while watching TV, brand names appeared directly or indirectly during the film, or the actor or actor repeated the names of specific applications, devices or services.

You may likewise have seen the presence of big names wearing or utilizing items from specific brands, which are all not fortuitous events, but rather what's known as incognito or secret promoting.

The company appoints a famous individual who uses its product or service to promote the company without consumers paying attention to what's going on there.

One of the images of this marketing is to pay influencers or publishers for a service or product without revealing that it is already advertising, so that advertising seems to be an unpleasant act involving no marketing.

Some of these influencers are posting fake videos to viral and serve their purpose.

8. Context Marketing

In this marketing, various ads are placed on websites and social media platforms to show the user based on the data the company collected from tracking their browsing behavior.

The advertiser selects how to display the advertisement and target segment, and the advertisement appears automatically to the user regardless of where he or she is.

The list goes on about marketing types. And in the end, there's no right or wrong way to do marketing, as long as it's effective and enables the company to communicate with its customers.

Today, it is rare for a brand to find only one marketing method, the vast majority now incorporating two or more methods into the marketing process.

Marketing Process Steps

To mention the marketing process, since we are discussing the fundamentals of marketing, we should give you a simple idea of the steps of the marketing process that companies are pursuing to implement their strategies.

1) understanding the target market and the needs and wishes of the client.

It is important to understand the customer's needs, desires and demands (discussed in detail in the basic elements of marketing) to make products and offers to the market that the customer already needs, as well as to establish high value relationships with customers.

2) designing a client-driven marketing strategy.

This step is done through:

First: The company reports which customers it will serve, divides the target market into customer segments, and then selects the target segment based on the level, timing and nature of the demands.

Second: The company chooses the way in which it will serve its customers, and how it wishes to distinguish itself on the market in what is known as Value production.

Value value offers are one of the fundamentals of marketing on which values are determined by a company, such as simplicity, ease of use, well-being, etc.

For example; Nike's proposed values are Accessibility, Innovation, and Customization.

3) build an integrated marketing plan that offers real value.

The company's marketing strategy outlines the audience that the company will target, and how it will provide them with value and value, so the marketer begins to create an integrated plan that will deliver this value to the potential audience.

The marketer creates this strategy according to the basic elements of 7P's marketing that we detailed in the first article.

4) Establishing and managing a profitable relationship with clients

Customer Relationship Management (CLM) is the overall process of building and maintaining customer relationships that are valuable and profitable to the company, by satisfying them and offering them a distinct value.

The goal of customer relationship management is to increase the total value of customers, and the best way to build any real relationship with customers is by creating value for the customer and trying to satisfy them.

Any company that attempts to excel in the current market must seek to create and obtain profit-supplying relationships that increase its share of customers' purchases in the targeted market.

5) obtain value from clients.

The ultimate purpose of customer relationship management is to produce the highest amount of customer value set - Customer Equity, the total revenue that the company's current and potential customer base will generate during a company's inception, and the more clients will generate for profit for a company, the greater the group will value its customers.

This customer value group may even be a better way to measure a company's performance than its current market share or sales ratio.

Marketers cannot build customer value or customer relationships themselves; They must work closely with all sections and sectors of the brand internally and externally.

The last step of the marketing process is to sort out the sources necessary to implement the marketing plan in practice, and then start working!

